Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Fwd: PA Promo

View message header detail Chew Seng Mun <lenzchew@gmail.com> 
Lenz Chew
In Tech & Multimedia
Hp: 9689 5512

for ref

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Fwd: PA Promo

For ref

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Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Fwd: Information Communication Technology in Education: Singapore's ICT Masterplans 1997-2008

Best regards,

Mr Chang C. L.

Come visit my homepage at http://changchengliang.blogspot.com

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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Re: PSLE Listening Comprehension 2008 -- Instructions for Internal Invigilators

Dear Cheng Liang,
I have gotten Syed to replace Jasmine.
Cheng Liang, pls refer to my updated LC slides in my personal folder for the updates and changes in the Internal Invigilators. The only major change getting Syed to replace Jasmine Loke.

----- Original Message -----
From: Chang Cheng Liang <chang_cheng_liang@moe.edu.sg>
Date: Wednesday, September 3, 2008 2:31 pm
Subject: PSLE Listening Comprehension 2008 -- Instructions for Internal Invigilators
To: tan_ying_ying@moe.edu.sg, loke_mei_ru_jasmine@moe.edu.sg, yang_xiao@moe.edu.sg
Cc: Lau Lee Peng Lillian <lau_lee_peng_lillian@moe.edu.sg>, tan_chai_yan@moe.edu.sg, changchengliang2.pcsavit@blogger.com

> Ms Yang Xiao & Erin,

> Just checking  if you have taken your copy of Instructions for Internal Invigilators (I.I.I.)?  If so, please sign at the blue clipboard at Sheryl's table. Thanks =)

> Lillian,

  1. > I wonder if a replacement has been found for Jasmine Loke?  Her I.I.I. is also at the blue clipboard.
  2. Sheryl and I will be plugging in the headphones into all the hi-fi sets and installing the batteries into the black backup CD players on next Wed, 10/9, at about 2pm. (FYI)
> Thanks.

> Best regards,

> Mr Chang C. L.

> ______________________________________________________
> Come visit my homepage at http://changchengliang.blogspot.com

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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

PSLE Listening Comprehension 2008 -- Instructions for Internal Invigilators

Ms Yang Xiao & Erin,

Just checking  if you have taken your copy of Instructions for Internal Invigilators (I.I.I.)?  If so, please sign at the blue clipboard at Sheryl's table. Thanks =)

  1. I wonder if a replacement has been found for Jasmine Loke?  Her I.I.I. is also at the blue clipboard.
  2. Sheryl and I will be plugging in the headphones into all the hi-fi sets and installing the batteries into the black backup CD players on next Wed, 10/9, at about 2pm. (FYI)

Best regards,

Mr Chang C. L.

Come visit my homepage at http://changchengliang.blogspot.com

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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Teachers' Briefing for PSLE Listening Comprehension

2 levels of backup

1. Malfunction of main announcement system
--> use hi-fi set

--> 1 hour (or so) before exam:
---- ensure head set fully plugged in
---- ensure volume zero
---- ensure power on
---- insert CD
---- play CD
---- increase volume to audible level (listening via headset)
---- stop playing only after the entire CD has been played.

--> just before start of exam
---- ensure head set fully plugged in
---- ensure volume zero
---- ensure power on
---- insert CD
---- ** delay about 1 minute after the main announcement system is played before playing CD
---- *** In the event of disruption of main announcement system due to malfunction,
--------- unplug the headphone from the Hi-Fi set
--------- turn up to optimal volume for the students taking the LC

2. True power failure

--> use battery operated CD players (black)
---- *** In the event of true power failure,
--------- await instructions from CPE, whether to play CD from the start
--------- turn up to optimal volume for the students taking the LC-->

Monday, June 16, 2008

Videos that will help our daily AV operations

Setting up of AV system

Rolling cable

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Support for Mufti Day 23/5/08

  • PA system & projector at the hall
  • PA system at parade square
  • PA system at the field

Rectification Work for New PA System (operating from canteen)

The vendor, Mr Robert Tan from Teletronic, had removed the 'blown speakers' for repair (2 from parade square + 2 from hall). Estimated time of completion of repair: 2/3 weeks (tentatively 1st or 2nd week of June)

Using the original PA system (operated from the General Office)

The speakers for the new system, operating from the canteen, had been 'blown' due to rough handling. (Will educate the pupils in the Media Crew)

There is an urgent need to know more, now that the loud noise that our school makes each morning is causing the school and our 2 principals much embarrassment. Many residents in the neighbourhood have been calling up the office to complain!

Explored, with the help of Mr Chee, the original PA system. There are so many things I do not know about this system.

Had some interesting findings:

1. This PA system, which comprises all the horn speakers, controls "6 zones".
  • Zone1: Student Lounge & Dental Clinic
  • Zone2: Parade Square (** must remember to turn on "Booster amp" to operate)
  • Zone3: Canteen
  • Zone4: Multipurpose Hall
  • Zone5: (Not in use)
  • Zone6: 6 newly fitted speakers
    • 2 facing the football field & mounted on "bridge",
    • 2 facing Parade Square, also mounted on "bridge" and
    • 2 at opposite Block C (1 at Level 2, and 1 at Level 3 facing residents!!!)
2. All main switches at the panel must be turned on.

3. The square buttons labelled "To Parade Square" must be depressed, when microphone is to be used.

4. When microphone is in operation, all music from CD will be interrupted. (ie. 'cut')


6. There is a microphone, mounted at the front desk in the office, that can allow people in the office to address the 6 zones mentioned above (1).

To be continued...