Sunday, March 27, 2011

Re: Matters pertaining to CD players

Attn: P3 and P4 form teachers who have yet to collect your cd-players,
Do kindly collect your cd-players ASAP as I will be locking the Control Room with a padlock after all the CD players have been collected.  Thanks in advance.

On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 1:18 PM, Cheng Liang Chang <> wrote:
Hi P3 and P1 form teachers!

Good news!  The new CD players have arrived.

I would require the P3 form teachers and P1K form teacher to send your ICT leaders to do the following:
  1. Return the existing CD players that were on T-Loan back to the Control Room   (These CD players were placed in your classrooms when Jeanette highlighted that the P3 needed to do learning posts end of Term 1)
  2. Draw out from the Control Room the white super-light brand new CD players from the Control Room.  (They are labelled accordingly already)
Most importantly, I will also require the respective teachers to reply to this email to acknowledge that they have collected the CD Players.

P4, P5 and P6 Form teachers  and   CCA teachers-in-charge (whose CCA require CD players)

I will require you to reply to this email (if you have not already done so) to acknowledge that you have taken the CD players and are safe-keeping them.

Thanks in advance. =D


Mr Chang C.L.
AVA Coordinator

Poi Ching School
21 Tampines St 71, S(529067)
Tel: 67856420, Fax: 67857198


Mr Chang C.L.
AVA Coordinator

Poi Ching School
21 Tampines St 71, S(529067)
Tel: 67856420, Fax: 67857198

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Matters pertaining to CD players

Hi P3 and P1 form teachers!

Good news!  The new CD players have arrived.

I would require the P3 form teachers and P1K form teacher to send your ICT leaders to do the following:
  1. Return the existing CD players that were on T-Loan back to the Control Room   (These CD players were placed in your classrooms when Jeanette highlighted that the P3 needed to do learning posts end of Term 1)
  2. Draw out from the Control Room the white super-light brand new CD players from the Control Room.  (They are labelled accordingly already)
Most importantly, I will also require the respective teachers to reply to this email to acknowledge that they have collected the CD Players.

P4, P5 and P6 Form teachers  and   CCA teachers-in-charge (whose CCA require CD players)

I will require you to reply to this email (if you have not already done so) to acknowledge that you have taken the CD players and are safe-keeping them.

Thanks in advance. =D


Mr Chang C.L.
AVA Coordinator

Poi Ching School
21 Tampines St 71, S(529067)
Tel: 67856420, Fax: 67857198

CD players for P1/P2 PAL programme

Hi Cindy,

The CD players for P1/P2 PAL programme is ready for collection at my desk (table no.: 4) 
Sorry, not at control room as I will need to show you how to operate it.


Mr Chang C.L.
AVA Coordinator

Poi Ching School
21 Tampines St 71, S(529067)
Tel: 67856420, Fax: 67857198