Attn: P3 and P4 form teachers who have yet to collect your cd-players,
Do kindly collect your cd-players ASAP as I will be locking the Control Room with a padlock after all the CD players have been collected. Thanks in advance.
On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 1:18 PM, Cheng Liang Chang <> wrote:
Hi P3 and P1 form teachers!
Good news! The new CD players have arrived.
I would require the P3 form teachers and P1K form teacher to send your ICT leaders to do the following:
Most importantly, I will also require the respective teachers to reply to this email to acknowledge that they have collected the CD Players.
- Return the existing CD players that were on T-Loan back to the Control Room (These CD players were placed in your classrooms when Jeanette highlighted that the P3 needed to do learning posts end of Term 1)
- Draw out from the Control Room the white super-light brand new CD players from the Control Room. (They are labelled accordingly already)
P4, P5 and P6 Form teachers and CCA teachers-in-charge (whose CCA require CD players)
I will require you to reply to this email (if you have not already done so) to acknowledge that you have taken the CD players and are safe-keeping them.
Thanks in advance. =D
Mr Chang C.L.
AVA Coordinator
Poi Ching School
21 Tampines St 71, S(529067)
Tel: 67856420, Fax: 67857198
Mr Chang C.L.
AVA Coordinator
Poi Ching School
21 Tampines St 71, S(529067)
Tel: 67856420, Fax: 67857198