Monday, September 6, 2010

Attention Form Teachers and Language Teachers: CD Players and Hi-fi sets updates

Dear colleagues,

CD Players

Do not be surprised if you find that your class's CD player seems to be missing.  As the AV vendor was in the school to do his annual servicing this morning, I have gone round the school to retrieve all unreturned CD players.  However, I could not locate the CD players originally allocated to the following classrooms:
  • 6F
  • P6 Fdn
  • 4i/2i
  • P5 P / 2L
  • 4F / 2F
  • 3G / 1G
Teachers who know the where-about of these CD players do keep me posted.  Thanks. 

Hi-fi Sets

Please note that I have retrieved the Hi-fi Sets that were originally placed at:
  • AVA Room 1
  • AVA Room 2
  • Dance Room 1
  • Dance Room 2
  • School Hall
  • Conference Room
Apologies to the Chinese Dance Group teachers-in-charge, Ms Tang and Ms Agnes Poon, for any inconvenience caused as there has been an additional requirement for more Hi-fi sets for PSLE LC.



Mr Chang C.L.
Poi Ching School
21 Tampines St 71, S(529067)
Tel: 67856420, Fax: 67857198
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